Photo of Victor Amelkin
I am currently a Research Scientist at Amazon Robotics division of The central theme of my research is network science, with an emphasis on socio-economic and technological networks, studied from the perspectives of analysis, modeling, and control. My work is highly interdisciplinary, spanning applications and methods from computer science, engineering, operations research, microeconomics, and computational social science. The specific research topics I have worked on while being in academia include:
  • contagion and systemic risk in financial networks;
  • optimal scheduling of job arrival to queues;
  • optimization of robotic transportation networks and micro-supply chains;
  • strategic formation and resilience of supply chain networks;
  • competing opinion formation in social networks;
  • resilience of online social networks to external control;
  • collective performance of networked teams.
  My research keywords
Before joining Amazon, I was a Warren Center Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, hosted by Rakesh Vohra, George Pappas, and Victor Preciado. Prior to Penn, I graduated with a PhD from the Department of Computer Science of the University of California, Santa Barbara, having worked at Dynamo Lab and been advised by Ambuj K. Singh. Earlier, I had spent several years as a software engineer (SDE1→SDE2→SDE3) in industry. I obtained my MSc and BSc degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Tula State University, Russia in 2008 and 2006, respectively, having been advised by Valeriy Ivanov.


Select Publications  (Full List in CV)
Working Papers

Teaching – UC Santa Barbara

Professional Service

I have served as a reviewer for a number of computer science, engineering, economics, and sociology conferences, journals, and publishers, including KDD'18'17'16'15, WWW'18'17, SDM'17'16, ICDM'16'13, WSDM'16, SIGMOD'14, TKDD'22'21'20, TKDE'21'20'18'17'15'14, TNSE'22'18'17, DMKD'19, AAAI'17'16; TAC'23'22'21'20'19'18, Automatica'22'20'19'18, TCNS'21, CDC'21'19'17, ACC'19'18, ECC'19, Nature Scientific Reports'18; International Economic Review'19; Journal of Mathematical Sociology'21'20'19'18; and Cambridge University Press'18.

I serve on the Editorial Board of The Journal of Mathematical Sociology ('18-…).

I used to organize the weekly Theory Seminar at the University of Pennsylvania ('18-'20), the first year—jointly with Jieming Mao.


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