This tutorial shows how to connect to CSIL server from Windows via SSH. The main pre-requisite is to have a College of Engineering account, which can be created and managed at We will also need a couple of tools. To access CSIL using command-line interface (CLI), we'll need PuTTY — a free SSH client for Windows. In order to run GUI applications and forward GUI to our display, we'll need Xming — a free X11-server (Xming itself, Xming fonts).
1) Run PuTTY and type the address of the remote host in "Host Name" textbox
(in our case, the host name is Use the default port 22.
Afterwards, click "Open".
2) When asked, type in your login and password, which correspond to
your College of Engineering account.
3) Now you should be logged in and able to work with CLI.
4) To terminate the session, execute exit command
1) Run Xming
%PROGRAMFILES%\Xming\Xming.exe -clipboard -multiwindow