This page is dedicated to SND (Social Network Distance) [1][2] — a distance measure designed for the comparison of snapshots of a social network containing polar (competing) opinions. It measures how "likely" one polar opinion distribution over a social network has evolved into another opinion distribution with respect to a given opinion dynamics model.
Short paper: snd-icde17.pdf | |
Extended paper: snd-tkdd.pdf | |
Poster: snd-poster-icde17.pdf | |
Source code: |
[1] Amelkin V., Bogdanov P., Singh, A.K. "A Distance Measure for the Analysis of Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks", extended paper, ACM TKDD, 2019 [doi], [pdf]
[2] Amelkin V., Bogdanov. P, Singh A.K. "A Distance Measure for the Analysis of Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks", short paper, IEEE ICDE, 2017, [doi], [pdf]